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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  November 27, 2015 7:00am-9:01am PST

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good morning, america. a major holiday storm hitting the midwest. flash flooding near dallas, one officer washed away during a rescue. snow and ice making roads treacherous. hundreds of flights canceled. and millions more americans on high alert this morning. security scare. this man jumping over the white house fence while the first family celebrates thanksgiving inside. the secret service swarming within seconds, guns drawn. the white house on lockdown. how did he get over the fence? trump in trouble. the republican front-runner accused of mocking a reporter from "the new york times" who is disabled. >> oh, i don't know what i said, i don't remember. >> the newspaper is outraged but trump is not backing down. what he is saying this morning.
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♪ oh, here we go and they're off. the black friday frenzy in full swing this morning. crowds busting through the doors overnight. more than 100 million americans racing to the stores today fighting for the best deals and just plain fighting. this morning, how you can beat the crowds and find the biggest savings of the season. ♪ hey, good morning. i'm dan harris. alongside paula faris. this is -- don't adjust your sets. a weekend takeover of the weekday show. we also have the inimitable sara haines and tom llamas who we consider an honorary member of the weekend team and rob marciano is hiding behind the weather wall right there. >> hey, rob. can you see rob? >> you might be able to see him? >> peeking through. >> we do want to say happy friday, everyone. unlike that video you just saw everybody here is playing nice. no fighting. hope you had a great thanksgiving and now it is time for the shopping.
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>> look at all these people storming the stores out in force this morning trying to grab those great black friday deals on this, america's annual orgy of consumption. >> oh, wow. >> washer and dryer and the vacuum i had my eye on today. don't go near them. >> you're going big. >> i'm going big but could clicking bring better deals than door rushing? our shopping gurus are standing by with everything from the hottest online deals to what not to buy on black friday. so you can save even more, which is what we like to hear. >> gurus for sure. much more on that coming up. we start this friday morning with that dangerous holiday storm slamming the middle of the country causing flash flooding and blanketing parts of america with snow and ice and abc's aditi roy kicking us off this morning from denver. aditi, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, dan. boy, these hand warmers are coming in handy. it is frigid here at the denver airport with temperatures in the single digits and across the middle of the country, heavy rain creating treacherous conditions.
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this morning, flash floods pounding texas. >> be advised doing a water rescue right now on i-17. and have several others. >> reporter: the raging waters swallowing vehicles in its path prompting at least ten emergency high water rescues near dallas, one deputy officer washed away during the search for a missing driver. >> she saw a lady's life was in danger and she dropped her gun, dropped her heavy equipment and went into the water to make that rescue. >> reporter: later the officer found hanging on to a tree. >> located the deputy. we are trying to get her out of a tree right now. >> reporter: heavy rain putting the yearly total at more than 53 1/2 inches, a new record. for rainfall in a year. meanwhile, huge swaths of snow and ice sweeping the heartland. turning turkey day into a white thanksgiving for millions. here in colorado more than 200 flights delayed at denver international airport. triggering a travel nightmare for hundreds of stranded passengers.
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>> it's frustrating. >> you can see large parts of the runway glazed in snow. >> when the weather hits you will see the increase in accidents. >> reporter: accidents plaguing holiday travelers across the prairies. slippery conditions ditching cars to the roadside. one after another. gusts of 30 miles an hour blowing the ice. >> the sleet's actually pretty painful. >> reporter: and back here in denver the snow has stopped falling. that's certainly good news but with the temperatures still in the single digits ice remains a big challenge for travelers. dan? >> aditi, thank you. stay warm. this storm is a beast on the move this morning and rob marciano is tracking it all. we've allowed him to emerge from behind the weather wall. good morning again, sir. >> a lot to talk about. a multifaceted storm system and ongoing water rescues across parts of texas. johnson county one of them last night as the high water continues to move even higher. look at these advisories across parts of the plains here. winter storm warnings, ice warnings, more importantly for
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the next 48 hours is the heavy rain falling from midland to dallas up through tulsa and st. louis. there's your ice, obviously, but the rain keeps going for a good two days so we're looking at flooding rains here, dallas has already broken their record for the year and we're not even into december. could see another 8 inches of rainfall. much more on this plus the fog that's currently in the northeast. dan, paula. >> i think whether we like it or not winter is coming. are we ready to accept that fact? >> you sound like "game of thrones." >> i didn't mean that. i've been hanging around this guy too long. we want to move now to the holiday scare at the white house. a man draped in an american flag jumped over the fence while the first family was inside celebrating thanksgiving. the white house was put on lockdown for several hours and abc's mary bruce is right there for us this morning. good morning, mary. >> reporter: hi, paula. good morning. well, the president and the first family planned to have their holiday meal right here inside the residence, but they probably didn't plan on an uninvited guest breaching white house security showing up right
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here on their front lawn. a thanksgiving security scare in the nation's capital. this man jumps over the white house fence as the first family celebrates right inside. it's around 2:45 p.m. when joseph caputo, dressed in white and draped in an american flag, is spotted leaping over the fence tonight to the north lawn. >> took a huge deep breath and he kind of just said, "all right, let's do this" and before you know it he jumped over the barricade, took off, jumped over that white house fence. >> reporter: as he set foot on the lawn, caputo seems to raise his hands in victory, but drops to his knees within seconds as the secret service swarms, their guns drawn. officers carefully search him before taking him handcuffed into custody. part of the white house is locked down for nearly three hours. >> in a park across the street. >> reporter: secret service clear pennsylvania avenue of pedestrians and comb the area before determining there is no threat.
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now, this latest incident comes just months after new spikes were added to the fence here after a string of security lapses. but the new precautions clearly not enough to stop this holiday guest who this morning faces criminal charges. dan. >> hectic scene, mary, thank you. the race for the presidency now and this morning donald trump provoking fresh outrage, this time the republican front-runner is accused of mocking a reporter who has a physical disability. trump, however, says he doubts he ever actually met the reporter in question and tom has more on that story. good morning, again. >> dan, good morning to you. all over the country trump tells his crowds how much he hates the media. that 70% of journalists are dishonest then imitates some reporters he personally can't stand. it's all part of the trump stump speech but now some are saying trump may have crossed the line just to get some laughs. in a campaign of firsts donald trump appearing to go where no presidential candidate has gone before, the republican
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front-runner at a rally in south carolina this week appearing to mock a journalist who is disabled. >> now the poor guy, you got to see this guy, i don't know what i said, ah, i don't remember. >> reporter: that reporter, "the new york times" serge kovaleski who has a chronic condition affecting his joints that limits flexibility in his arms. on thanksgiving trump tweeting, i do not know the reporter for"the new york times" or what he looks like. i was showing a person groveling to take back a statement made long ago. "the new york times" saying we're outraged that he would ridicule the physical appearance of one of our reporters. it came as trump defended his claim that he saw people in new jersey cheering on 9/11, law enforcement and government officials now denouncing that as false but this is hardly the first time trump has come under fire for offending someone from some mexican immigrants in that campaign kickoff speech. >> they're bringing drugs. they're bringing crime. they're rapists. >> reporter: to senator john mccain. >> he's not a war hero. i like people that weren't captured, okay. >> reporter: to women.
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>> you've called women you don't like fat pigs. >> only rosie o'donnell. >> oh, i don't know what i said. oh, i don't remember. >> reporter: trump not backing down this time either also tweeting, "if mr. kovaleski is handicapped i would not know because i do not know what he looks like. kovaleski says he covered trump for years and in an interview with "the washington post" kovaleski says, he was sure trump remembered him and his condition. and if you think this may be the end of trump, think again. nearly every time he's had a controversy his poll numbers have gone up and up. we'll see what happens with this controversy, guys. >> if his past has told anything those indiscretions haven't hurt him. >> true. we move to the black friday frenzy, more than 100 million americans are expected to flood stores today. the mad rush actually began last night but if you'd like to skip the chaos and still get great savings all in favor say aye. >> aye. >> thank you, sara. only sara joins me on that one, abc's rebecca jarvis is at a target store in chicago with all the details.
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good morning, rebecca. >> reporter: i'll join you, good morning, i would like to get the deals without having to go into the stores. we're here and guess what, so many people have been hitting the stores overnight. target announcing they had record sales online and that's because so many of the record deals are now online. the top seller, the ipad at target. they say they sold a new ipad every single second. yesterday. they came. they shopped. they conquered. overnight crowds of people flooding in stores across the country, walmart, best buy, target and toys "r" us all hoping to catch consumers first with doors open before you could digest the turkey. >> they have a bluetooth speaker, panasonic blu-ray player, beats headphones. >> get our thanksgiving early to come get in line early. >> the deals is why we're shopping on black friday. >> reporter: this black friday
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brawl breaking out in one kentucky mall. fists flying as shoppers flee. but overall this year's thanksgiving shopping scene seemingly a bit more tame. in part because many retailers touting online deals, the same if not better than what you'd find in stores. making it easier than ever to avoid the commotion completely. >> i thought maybe the line would be a few blocks. took us only five minutes to get in. >> reporter: if you weren't among the crowds of turkey day shoppers, there's still plenty of time to join the expected 136 million people who plan to shop over thanksgiving weekend. 75% of those shoppers will be out today for black friday deals. and for anyone who is planning to hit the stores today, google has this new feature, it's called think with google. and they tell you all the peak times, the times to go to retailers, the times to skip retailers. they say today between 2:00 and 4:00, that will be maximum capacity. that's when the most people will be hitting stores. so you go before or after that,
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dan, and you are likely to have a little less stressful time in your holiday shopping. >> does the app tell you when to sit on the couch and watch television? >> reporter: that's all day long especially if "gma" is on. >> fair enough. all right, rebecca, thank you. we should say one of the most prominent players in the black friday binge is, of course, toys "r" us. we have a live look at the flagship store right across the street from our studio right here in times square. and joining us in our studio is the new ceo of the company, dave brandon, good morning, sir. >> good morning. >> so we have footage of people invading the stores yesterday when you opened on thanksgiving itself. i understand you were actually working in the flagship store right here in times square. how is business thus far. >> it was fun to be there last night. we had lines going around the block and when the doors opened at 5:00, it was quite a scene and the store was really full and people were actively shopping and it was a good sight for those of us who want to have a great start to the season. >> yeah, music to your eyes. so we have toys here.
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walk us through what you expect to be the hot toys this season. >> well, we have a broad array of toys, you're going to have your staples. sell a lot of barbie dolls and play-doh and legos and games but a lot of what you're seeing this year is technology being brought to the toy industry and so we have everything from this is clever keet, it sells for $39.99. this is actually a parakeet that you own. you don't have to clean the cage. he'll speak to you. he'll learn your name. he'll swing, he'll dance. you can carry him around on his little perch. he'll eat. he'll do everything that a real parakeet do except little cleaner, little easier. >> fewer droppings. what else you got? >> this is smart toy bear. we have a smart toy bear and a smart toy monkey. this is actually a cloud-based toy. you can plug this into your phone and download information as a parent and get this toy to help your child learn how to brush their teeth, learn how to eat well.
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dance, it's got a scanner and a camera in its nose where you can actually put flash cards in front and it will actually perform different tasks and interact with the child in a very educational way. >> that's really cool. we have a few seconds left. "star wars" is coming out being released by our parent company disney in the not too distant future. will this play a huge role in the coming season, r2-d2. >> we have a store within our store dedicated to just a broad array of "star wars" item. this r2d2 drone is a perfect example of the kinds of things that we have. this makes noises, it spins, it goes forward and backwards. it flashes a silhouette of princess leia up on the wall. it does all kinds of cool interactive things and we have just about everything you could imagine "star war" related in anticipation of the upcoming movie. >> that's awesome. the kind of toy i would play with and not let my son have. >> thank you very much. >> r2-d2 sounds a lot like you, dan. if you're wondering where to score the best deals and how to get strategic, we
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have answers this morning. abc's becky worley joins us from san francisco with all of the secrets. good morning, becky. help us out. >> reporter: good morning, paula. yeah, the big news this black friday, the online deals are finally comparable to the in-store deals. i spoke with walmart. they tell me that 96% of the deals they offer in store are also available online. and that 4%, it's mostly limited inventory door busters that have already come and gone. what's new we're seeing retailers push shoppers to mobile by offering app only deals. one i saw, rebecca minkoff bag, from amazon's app, 55% off. >> incredible deals. so walk us through some of the other deals and tell us if we should wait for clothing for cyber monday. >> yeah, today is the day. let's start with phones. buy a phone today if you need one, the samsung galley s6, their note 5 both only a penny at target. love those. also at target, apple watch deal. $349. that's list but bundle it with a
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$100 target gift card. staying on apple, the mini 4, 399 at meijer bundled with a $125 gift card. kindle fire tablet, $35, that's just insane and you asked about clothing, kenneth cole, 50% off. the gap 50% off. cole hahn, 30% off. there may be some that are more discounts on cyber monday, but lots more we're going to dig into in the second hour of the show. >> awesome. can't wait to see you. all the info is on our website, online at "gma" on yahoo! see you in a little bit. the other stories breaking this morning and tom has that. >> that's right. we start in chicago. protesters angry over the shooting death of an african-american teen by a white chicago police officer are threatening to shut down black friday shopping. after days of protests demonstrators will march along the city's famed magnificent mile calling for justice for 17-year-old laquan mcdonald who was shot 16 times by officer
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jason van dyke. to the latest arrested linked to the deadly terror attacks in paris, two weeks after the massacre two more people have been detained during raids in belgium. officials say one person is being held as a suspect and the other may be a witness. meanwhile, the 130 people killed in the attacks were remembered this morning, france marked a national day of mourning with an emotional ceremony. a blimp flying over holiday traffic in new york was suddenly blown off course hovering close to power lines. the pilot knew he couldn't reach the airport so he found a baseball field and touched down safely. >> finally, one nfl quarterback had the day off yesterday and we know exactly what he was up to. too bad his kids didn't. there they are innocently playing around in the backyard of leaves unaware they were being stalked by a 6'4" turkey. that right there. >> oh, my word. >> oh. >> guys, that's tom brady scaring the heck out of his kids. turkey tom's facebook post now
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closing in on 1.5 million views. >> incredible. >> there's two camps here. the camp that says that's really funny and there's the other camp that is really creepy. >> the other camp says years and years of therapy. >> daughter knows that? >> that was amazing. >> dan, how do they say scary with a boston accent? >> i'm not going to pull -- wait until the 8:00 hour. i'll pull out my boston accent. >> rob marciano can do it quite well. >> i sure can. we should point out that turkey wasn't hurt during that production. foggy, that post-thanksgiving hangover. well there's some fog in the air. the new york thruway. i-87 in nayak. dense fog advisory till 9 a.m. coastal sections certainly in the valleys and rivers. this will rapidly improve as the sun comes up. all with warm, mild conditions and the mild temperatures. 15 to 20 degrees above normal. first your weekend getaway brought to you by walmart.
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good friday morning, freezing cold temperatures in the east bay, the south bay, this will continue for the next couple nights and through the weekend. sunny afternoons in between. so, with the temperatures just in the low 50s, in livermore, you will certainly need the jacket today and 57 in oakland and 56 in san jose. cool and frosty all weekend with temperatures warming up toward monday and just a slight chance of a shower with milder and more rain chances >> another update on the icy conditions in the plains in a
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few minutes. back over to you. >> you can go back around the corner now. we love you. >> see you later. >> we have so much more ahead. beware of black friday hackers. how to spot a cyberthreat that might steal your personal data. mystery in the paternity room. a mom who thought her baby was gone after a hospital nightmare. the remarkable reunion. the remarkable reunion. after a dvt blood clot.mind when i got out of the hospital what about my family? my li'l buddy? and what if this happened again?
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i was given warfarin in the hospital but i wondered if this was the right treatment for me. then my doctor told me about eliquis. eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots and reduces the risk of them happening again. not only does eliquis treat dvt and pe blood clots, but eliquis also had significantly less major bleeding than the standard treatment. knowing eliquis had both... turned around my thinking. don't stop eliquis unless your doctor tells you to. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. if you had a spinal injection while on eliquis call your doctor right away if you have tingling, numbness, or muscle weakness. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily... and it may take longer than usual for bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. eliquis treats dvt & pe blood clots. plus had less major bleeding. both made switching to eliquis right for me.
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ask your doctor if it's right for you. eat up, buddy. you'll get it this time. yeah ok not too quick don't let go until i say so. i got you... start strong with the lasting energy of 100% you're doing it! whole grain quaker oats. and off you go. ♪ give your home the gift of big savings this year at lowe's. hurry in to your neighborhood store today for a ton of great black friday deals. 0 it's holiday time, and no fruit is as versatile as our ocean spray cranberries, which is why we're declaring it "the unofficial official fruit of the holidays." the fig's gonna be so bummed. [ chuckles ] for holiday tips and recipes, go to
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[ chuckles ] cool. these aren't the droid viewers you're looking for. but... i am your... honey.... collect free droid viewers inside specially marked general mills cereals. star wars: the force awakens. this film is not yet rated. only in theaters.
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good morning. i'm eric thomas. breaking news out of berkeley this morning. crews have a two-alarm fire at a berkeley restaurant under control. the fire broke out at 5:40 this morning at the mandarin garden restaurant on shattuck avenue and an apartment complex behind the building evacuated.
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the red cross is on the scene offering assistance. no word on injuries or how that fire started. a check on the morning drive on this friday after thanksgiving. sue? >> black friday light. we are looking at 360 cam headed on northbound 880 past the moulry in the fremont area. sun coming up, and we are not seeing any problems of traffic whatsoever along think stretch. folks are behaving themselves nicely. a couple of things. beautiful shot of the golden gate bridge this morning. a new car fire reported in an area we already had an earlier accident. that was cleared. now apparently there's someone in the car westbound 24 at the broadway exit. extra caution here. fire is en route. >> thank you very much. >> thank you very much. when we come imagine a world where the holidays were about people again. where doorbusters referred to loved ones pouring through the front door. and the four-letter word that defined the season
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was l-o-v-e and not s-a-l-e. what if the only reason to wake up at 3 a.m. was to spot a reindeer in the sky? and coupons were only used to redeem one more kiss? that's the world t.j.maxx, marshalls and homegoods stores live in. where there's no need for sales because we offer amazing prices on popular brands everyday. and where you can always save on thoughtful gifts thanks to weekly arrivals of new products. let's put more value on what really matters. this season bring back the holidays with t.j.maxx, marshalls and homegoods.
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happy friday to you. freezing cold in the san ramon valley. morgan hill, very, very cold. a freeze warning until 9:00 for the is a leannies valley and also around san jose and santa clarita valley. today, range the omid-50s. plenty of sunshine. freezy cold again tonight and it's going to stay that way, really, all weekend long. in fact, we warm up into n narrator: when you see this truck, it means another neighbor is going to sleep better tonight because they went to sleep train's ticket to tempur-pedic event. through thanksgiving weekend, save up to $300 on the cooling comfort of tempur-breeze. plus, get up to 4 years interest free financing. sleep risk free with sleep train's money back guarantee, and of course, same day delivery. are you next? sleep train's ticket to tempur-pedic event ends sunday. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪
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hey, happy friday. welcome back to "gma." the race is on. more than 100 million shoppers flooding stores today trying to grab those door buster deals and find the biggest savings, black friday shoppers are expected to spend an average of nearly $370 each, up 25% from last year. >> how much time are they spending out there, as well? a lot. >> that's a stat i don't have. i'm sure it's a lot. >> which you can never get back. you know it's black friday when you come to work at 4 a.m. and we're talking about us, and you see people with huge shopping bags. >> yeah, i'm not quite sure what those shopping bags were filled with. >> we routinely see people at 4 a.m., not with shopping bags in hand. as we come to work. also right now that major storm in the middle of the country could wreak havoc on shoppers and people returning home from the holiday. more than 25 million americans
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are on alert for flash flooding, snow and ice from st. louis to dallas. and donald trump stirring up controversy this morning on the campaign trail again. he's accused of mocking a "new york times" is reporter with a disability. the republican front-runner says he doubts he ever met the reporter. people aren't just gearing up for the holidays by hitting the stores. sara, tell us about that. >> it is time, paula, time to put up those christmas decorations. you'll never guess what song this family synced their lights to. i can promise you, it's not this one. more amazing holiday displays ahead in "the speed feed" and why some neighbors want to pull the plug on decking the halls. >> what song? >> we talk about these displays all the time. would you want to live next door to that? >> never. >> absolutely not. >> or live in that. >> blackout blinds. >> good idea. >> for sure and soundproof windows. much more from sara coming up. we start here with a black friday warning. while you're out hunting for the best deals you should also be on the lookout, sad to say, for
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hackers trying to access the personal information on your phone. and abc's gio benitez is here with how you can protect yourself. gio, good morning. >> reporter: hey, dan, good morning. retailers are offering shoppers good deals exclusively through apps but hackers are now taking advantage of that so this morning pay close attention to this warning. black friday, the biggest shopping day of the year. but while shoppers are swarming for this season's hottest gifts, hackers are after a treat of their own, your personal data. >> you're being tricked into installing this application and you're giving it all sorts of permission. >> reporter: that's right. malware that one company says is disguised as an android app supposedly offering early access to black friday and cyber monday deals. cybersecurity firm zscaler said they discovered the impostor. >> effectively you're installing a trojan horse on your phone. >> here's how they say it works. you get a link in your e-mail to download this fake app. it appears on your smartphone. >> it has the word amazon in
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there. so really no way to tell from looking at it that it's not the real deal. >> reporter: when you try to open it it gives an error message. even if you delete the fake app, zscaler says the malware is now installed and runs in the background. >> you're giving it access to your text messages, access to your call logs, they can tap into your contacts, attack friends of yours. >> reporter: zscaler said hackers could use your phone to make money by programming your phone to call or text premium 800 numbers, since the hackers register those numbers, zscaler says some of the money goes straight to the hackers. in a statement to abc news, the real says we take security very seriously and we encourage customers to download content only from sources they trust such as amazon. google developer of android says the fake app has never been available on google play. now, there are ways to protect yourself. >> first off you don't want to install things from third party app stores. >> reporter: don't forget to read that fine print.
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>> when you're installing it it'll show you all of the permissions, and if you're paying attention, and you should, you'll see that you're giving it all kinds of access. you should really pay attention to those things when you're installing apps. >> that's right, pay attention. now one cybersecurity firm says they've discovered the most advanced scam yet. right at the point of sale. hackers have now developed malware to infect store computers and they're going to steal your credit card info from that so the best advice, check those statements often. you're not responsible for any of these fraudulent charges. >> it makes me not want to use my phone ever. the only way to really protect yourself. >> the new scam is at the store when you're swiping your card. >> i'll do all your shopping for you. >> sounds perfect. happy holidays. we want to move to a startling story. a mystery in the maternity room. a mother and her baby separated at birth finding each other decades later. it's an unbelievable story with so many unanswered questions and we get more now from abc's deborah roberts.
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>> my daughter. >> mom. oh! >> reporter: zella jackson-price's heartwarming reunion with her long lost daughter diane. it all began with this message from diane gilmore's twin daughters. >> said like hello my name is mehiska jackson. i believe you're my grandmother and you're my mom's mom. >> my mother was born november 25th, 1965, she said in st. louis, missouri in homer phillips hospital. does that ring a bell. >> reporter: sure did. she agrees to a dna test, and guess what? it's a match. >> and it came out 99.9997. that's my baby. >> we found your mom. we found your mother. >> yeah, mom. >> reporter: but how mom and daughter were separated five decades ago is a mystery. >> when she was born i was by myself. nobody was with me, no one. >> reporter: bella says she gave birth here at the homer g.
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philips hospital. but minutes later she said it's a nurse, not a doctor, who takes her newborn baby girl and vanishes. >> they came and told me your baby passed. >> reporter: but now she knows her baby lived and has hired a brash tough-talking attorney al watkins to find out how it could have happened. >> babies were being sold out of the parking lot. it was pay for play, cash on delivery. >> reporter: the day we visited watkins' office, here's the scene we found. one anxious mother after another, all with the same searing question, could my child still be alive? >> they just took my baby and i want my baby back. >> reporter: u.s. attorney richard callahan began an investigation. >> if true, it was something terrible going on at the time that nobody knew about. >> reporter: but "20/20" conducted its own eight-month investigation examining hospital records that tell a different story. the results stunning. >> this sounds like, what, the stuff of mystery novels. >> the only mystery in my mind is why the allegations were made
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to begin with. >> reporter: for "good morning america," deborah roberts, abc news, new york. >> some pretty outrageous claims. can you imagine? >> absolutely not and the way they did that story, i now really feel like i have to watch the show tonight. >> i know. "20/20," we do want to mention as deborah said they actually conducted a month's long investigation of zella's story as well as the claims that babies were sold out of the parking lot, including dna testing, another possible long-lost mother/daughter pair. you're not going to believe how this one turns out. you can see the full story tonight on "20/20" at 10:00 eastern, 9:00 central right here on abc. the show you don't want to miss. >> absolutely not. we want to say coming up new video of that hero medical student shot trying to help rescue a young woman. we'll tell you his status this morning. >> what he did was extraordinary. "gma on the money" revealing travel insider secrets to making your dream vacation come true without busting the budget. ling travel insider secrets to making your dream vacation come true without busting the budget.
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but a gift from kay jewelers... makes it unforgettable. save up to 30% on diamond fashions at kay, the number-one memory-maker in america. every kiss begins with kay.
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the new sprint lte plus network is faster than verizon and at&t... based on data from the world's foremost authority on independent measurement. to celebrate, we're gonna cut some prices in half. switch to sprint and save 50% on verizon, at&t or t-mobile rates. no gimmicks. no tricks. it's the biggest offer in u.s. wireless history! what about verizon? 50% off. at&t too?
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50% off. even t-mobile? 50% off. plus, thanksgiving day through cyber monday, lease a samsung galaxy s6 for half price. only $9 a month. so switch today. it's a really big deal. and with fever, aches, and chills, mom knows it needs a big solution: an antiviral. don't kid around with the flu, call your doctor within the first 48 hours of symptoms and ask about prescription tamiflu. attack the flu virus at its source with tamiflu, an antiviral that helps stop it from spreading in the body. tamiflu in liquid form is fda approved to treat the flu in people two weeks of age and older whose flu symptoms started within the last two days. before taking tamiflu tell your doctor if you're pregnant, nursing, have serious health conditions,
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or take other medicines. if you develop an allergic reaction, a severe rash, or signs of unusual behavior, stop taking tamiflu and call your doctor immediately. children and adolescents in particular may be at an increased risk of seizures, confusion, or abnormal behavior. the most common side effects are mild to moderate nausea and vomiting. anti-flu? go antiviral with tamiflu.
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and back now with "gma on the money" and black friday is not just about deals from retailers, dan was looking forward to this story. you can save big on travel at abc's rebecca jarvis joins us again with how to cut your vacation costs even more. hi, rebecca. >> reporter: hey, paula, yes, it is a great time of year for that. we've shown you the great deals on tvs and toys and ipads, but did you know right now is one of the best times of the year to book that travel? day-to-day life in the feinstein house is -- >> very crazy. we have three very busy kids. >> reporter: so a family vacation is a much needed time to keep them connected and relaxed. >> we need to hit our reset button. >> reporter: but their dream vacation to key west is proving to be cost prohibitive. with a budget of $4500, their current itinerary is over budget. >> the cost dramatically affects our ability to take vacation. >> reporter: enter genevieve brown, abc news' own travel insider.
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her first point of business, flights and rental cars. they want to fly directly into key west. >> it's a little more remote than a lot of destinations and that makes it a little bit difficult to get to. >> reporter: instead, always fly into larger airports. changing the arrival airport to miami and driving to key west. >> philly to miami. all of a sudden that $480 flight is $138. we have now taken the price of your flights from $2400 to $700. >> wow. >> reporter: that's a savings of $1700. >> rental cars, intermediate car priced at $33 a day, that's a big difference from $78 a day. >> reporter: next hotels. use hotel booking websites like backbid which asks hotels to bid for your business, or hotelied that uses your social media profile and matches you to hotels.
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if you're less than 30 days out stayful is great for last-minute deals. our family wants to stay at a four star hotel. so backbid is finding them a comparable deal for close to $1,000 less. >> $214 a night. >> oh, my goodness. >> reporter: with this revised itinerary they're now under budget from over $5,000 to $1720. >> reporter: in all our experts saving this family more than $4,000. more than $4,000 in savings. imagine that. you don't even have to, because right now, like we said, it's one of the best times of the year to save on those hotels, on those airfares. we've seen a number of offers this morning as low as 75% off and crunched the numbers on this. they found that december 1st if you want to get the very best deals on hotels, december 1st is the day to book on average, 15% off, dan and paula, so all i ask is where are we going? >> that's exactly right. >> we'll get back with you on
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that one. how about that? under budget. that is music to our ears. we can invite everybody actually. i think we can expand the party. >> we can let rob come out from behind the weather wall. it's going to be awesome. >> thanks, rebecca. coming you, the craziest christmas lights you've ever seen coming up next in our "speed feed" with the inimitable sara haines. >> i like that title. in our "speed feed" with the inimitable sara haines. >> i like that title.
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with their airline credit card miles. sometimes those seats cost a ridiculous number of miles... or there's a fee to use them. i know. it's so frustrating. they'd be a lot happier with the capital one venture card. and you would, too! why? it's so easy with venture. you earn unlimited double miles on every purchase, every day. just book any flight you want then use your miles to cover the cost. now, that's more like it. what's in your wallet?
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time for "the speed feed." hainesy, what you got? according to a new study, 25% of americans start their holiday decorating the weekend after thanksgiving, but a lot of people just can't wait for that. in fact, 43% start their decorating before thanksgiving week. just check out some of these over-the-top displays getting hundreds of thousands of views on youtube. heavy metal lights posted by, of course, slayer bob. noisy but otherwise pretty maybe a little christmassy and what about these giant lightsabers, another bob, the guy who made them says he knows they're crazy and ridiculous but the kids think they're great and they'll end up as part of a larger christmas display. but sometimes people are not so cool with this stuff. in plantation, florida, authorities are trying to pull a plug on this massive display calling it a nuisance, too noisy
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and saying it causes excessive traffic understandably. the hyatt family that puts up the display says it's their tradition and they use it to raise money for charity, up to several thousand dollars each year. we hope for patience with your neighbors and understanding. >> if i lived next to the heavy metal people i'd make a nice call to my attorney. >> you would take your drum set out and play along. >> what was that, slipknot. >> was it slipknot. >> do you think i know a heavy metal band. i listen to the indigo girls. >> it was hard core. >> nothing says christmas like slipknot. i don't know -- >> not quite. but when we come back at the top of the hour, super shopping secrets, what you should buy right now and what you can wait for, also tom will have all the latest headlines, keep it here, much more "gma" coming up. coming up "gma's" countdown coming up "gma's" countdown to thanksgiving brought to you by walmart. share wonder every day. from the gifts they want,
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to the ones they really want. from big gifts that mean a lot, to little ones that mean everything. get the perfect gift for everyone and share wonder on christmas day. walmart. but many of us we tdon't know healthy. there are nutrients that can help support our metabolism. take new one a day healthy metabolism support multivitamin with chromium to help use carbs from food and b-vitamins to help convert food to fuel. one a day.
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pc does whaaat?! (helicopter engine roars) ♪ (music begins. the song, danger zone by kenny loggins plays from the pc) ♪ pc does what?! ♪ hey, guy! pc does what?! shhhh pc does what no pc has done before. does yours? the keurig k200® series brewer. one touch, and unlike life, no mess. your favorites. your way. keurig hot. announcement: thisbiggest of the decade.the with total accumulation of up to three feet.
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roads will be shut down indefinitely. and schools are closed. campbell's soups go great with a cold and a nice red. made for real, real life. creates a ring for today's biggest stars..., neil lane, he designs it to look fabulous from every angle. and for his collection at kay jewelers... he does the exact.same. thing. yes! neil lane bridal. uniquely beautiful hand-crafted rings at kay, the number one jewelry store in america. my collection is vintage inspired... with flowing lines that evoke a sense of timelessness. because i want every woman to feel like a star. every kiss begins with kay. are
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welcome back to "gma." time for our weather update. the snow or at least the ice is piling up across parts of kansas, the advisories are out. accumulations that could get over half an inch. that's going to cause some problems with trees coming down.
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throget three free giftskend with selected mattress sets! save up to $300 on beautyrest, posturepedic, even tempur-pedic! plus get up to four years interest-free financing! sleep train's thanksgifting sale ends sunday. "good morning america" is brought to you by mercedes-benz. experience truly great engineering today at your authorized dealer.
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good morning. i'm eric thomas. in concord, investigators are trying to figure out the cause of a huge fire as an office furniture store. the fire engulfed sam clar furniture store. took an hour to contain the fire. nobody hurt. lisa argen is here to tell us how cold it is. >> hovering around san ramon, livermore, san jose freeze warning until 9:00. check it out. a beautiful view from the east bay hills camera. everyone today in and around the mid-50s, plenty of sunshine. the look ahead, maybe rain on monday and getting warmer next week. sue? >> all right. the bay bridge. it is black friday light at the toll plaza, metering lights never turned on. smooth sailing here. problems, though, on 280 and a peninsula in san bruno if you're
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headed towards the airport 280, 380 all lanes blocked with fire vehicles and an accident here. eric? >> sue, thank you very much. the news continues now with "good morning america." we'll be back with another news update for you in about a half hour. see you then. come happy birthday. i just had a heart attack... and now i have a choice. for her. for them. and him. a choice to take brilinta. a prescription for people who've been hospitalized
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for a heart attack. i take brilinta with a baby aspirin more than 100 mg. as it affects how well it works. it's such an important thing to do to help protect against another heart attack. brilinta worked better than plavix. and even reduced the chances of dying from another one. don't stop taking brilinta without talking to doctor. since stopping it too soon increases your risk of clots in your stent, heart attack, stroke, and even death. brilinta may cause bruising or bleeding more easily or serious, sometimes fatal bleeding. don't take brilinta if you have bleeding, like stomach ulcers. a history of bleeding in the brain, or severe liver problems. tell your doctor about bleeding, new or unexpected shortness of breath, any planned surgery and all medicines you take. i will take brilinta today. tomorrow. and every day for as long as my doctor tells me. don't miss a day of brilinta. what if the holidays were about people again? and the four-letter word that defined the season was l-o-v-e, and not s-a-l-e. that's the world t.j.maxx, marshalls and homegoods stores live in.
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where there's no need for sales because we offer amazing prices on thoughtful gifts everyday. let's put more value on what really matters. this season, bring back the holidays. with t.j.maxx, marshalls and homegoods.
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good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. dramatic new video of that hero medical student who helped rescue a young woman. the miracle that saved him from a deadly bullet and how he's holding up this morning. holiday toiler. it's the hottest new craze that might have you pulling your hair out. literally. >> i thought it sounded fun and so we threw bunchems at each other. >> why bunchems have parents going crazy. ♪ and is your kitchen in leftover overload? the mouthwatering recipes you've never seen before and the surprising ingredients to make your perfect post-turkey day sandwich. ♪ i'm a fireball all that plus superstars
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pitbull and mariah carey as we say -- >> good morning, america. ♪ beautiful [ cheers and applause ] and we do want to say good morning, america. something looks different, the weekend crew has invaded your friday. >> we've taken over times square. >> the bosses are nervous. >> you know who's not nervous and who else is taking over, mariah carey, taking on a few firsts. the superstar talking all about her new book this morning as well as her directorial debut. we cannot wait for that especially dan. >> you know what we should mention we've got a great crowd here in times square on a friday morning. thank you for coming out. on a holiday weekend. let's be honest, they're here to see sara haines, we're cool with that. >> it's okay, i know. >> we should say millions of americans are heading to stores all over the country. they'll be packed with shoppers hunting down those black friday bargains this morning, but you might, might score a better deal if you hold off on your shopping spree just a little bit longer. our becky worley is here with
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some clever ideas coming up. >> i love it when you talk about getting a bargain, dan. i really do because you totally don't shop. there's nothing sexier than a man talking about a bargain, but first let's go inside to tom llamas with this morning's rundown. >> good morning, guys. the big story this morning, high water rescues near dallas. flash flooding pounding parts of texas, swallowing up vehicles with at least ten people rescued overnight. during the search for one missing driver, an officer was actually washed away. she was later found hanging on to a tree. the national weather service now says this is officially the wettest year ever in that area. rob's forecast just ahead. and a holiday security scare at the white house after a man draped in an american flag jumped the fence. the first family was at home celebrating thanksgiving when this happened. the man, joseph caputo, was quickly taken into custody. you can actually see it happen, the secret service moved in. the white house was on lockdown for several hours because of this. a charter flight carrying more than 140 people to mexico city hit the tarmac hard after its landing gear collapsed. you can see it there. witnesses say they could see the
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left side wheel buckle. passengers nervous as you can imagine were shocked. nobody was injured. and we're getting a clearer picture of the moments before and after a horrific attack in new orleans. new video showing a medical student staring down the barrel of a gun after stepping in to help a stranger. more from abc's ryan owens. >> reporter: a new look this morning at the bravery of a good samaritan. his willingness to help nearly got him killed. this surveillance video first obtained by fox station wvue shows 25-year-old med student peter gold checking on an intoxicated woman on a new orleans sidewalk just after 4:00 a.m. friday. the man who just robbed her pulled a gun on him. gold was shot once in the stomach. police say the shooter then tried to finish him off with a few bullets to the brain, but remarkably, his gun jams. >> male shot in the stomach. >> reporter: new orleans police have since arrested
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21-year-old euric cain and charged him with attempted murder. the new surveillance video also shows people trying to help tulane university student peter gold after he was shot. even the young woman he saved comes to and tries to crawl toward the good samaritan. gold is spending this holiday at the hospital, a place he normally works. this morning he's in stable condition, and his family says he continues to improve. for "good morning america," ryan owens, abc news, dallas. >> and we thank ryan for that story. new details in that e. coli outbreak linked to costco that sickened at least 19 people in 7 states. so, it turns out the veggie mix used in the costco chicken salad is being recalled. the celery and diced onion mix from taylor farms is also used in salads and packaged foods sold at target and starbucks. and finally forget about playing dead or rolling over, this dog has much more of an impressive trick up her sleeve.
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check this out. this is a black lab named lila. she can fetch your dinner. she's been trained to dive for lobsters, people. her owner simply has to point in the right direction, lila goes down, jumps in, scoops up a live lobster and brings it back to the boat. her owner says the key to success is associating training with fun as he devours lobster after lobster. i don't know, guys. this could be the greatest dog ever. >> i hope he gets some of the lobster afterwards. [ cheers and applause ] >> i can't get my cats to do anything. that is just fantastic. >> because they're cats. >> because they're cats, dan. they don't do anything. how do you say lobster in -- >> i did say i would use my boston accent in the second hour. lobster. that's how you say it with a boston accent. you're welcome. you're welcome. sara, that's going on? >> we're going to take a look at what's ahead on the "gma morning menu." the black friday frenzy is just getting started. why you should focus more on the when than where to get the best deals. plus, mariah carey has "all i
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want for christmas" for your kids. how her holiday hit inspired her new book and delicious recipes for your post-turkey day leftover, the surprising ingredients you'd never think of. how about a little bit -- is that cinnamon and almonds in there? >> how delicious. >> yum, yum. i'm going to take a crack at that. all coming up live on "gma" right here in times square. >> we should put some lobster in there. what if there was another way to look at relapsing multiple sclerosis? this is tecfidera. tecfidera is not an injection. it's a pill for relapsing ms that has the power to cut relapses in half. imagine what you could do with fewer relapses. tecfidera may cause serious side effects, such as allergic reactions, pml, which is a rare brain infection that usually leads to death or severe disability, and decreases in your white blood cells. the most common side effects are flushing and stomach problems.
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tell your doctor about any low white blood cell counts, infections, any other medical conditions, or if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed. learn more about the most prescribed pill for relapsing ms in the us, at talk to your doctor about tecfidera, and take another look at relapsing ms. ♪ today, apparel will cool down to 40% off. [both] 40%! [quickly] the news is good! [quickly] sports win! [quickly] let's go shopping! 40% off apparel and accessories at target. a pebble.uins show their love with... some males, however... are smarter than others.
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save 25% on any bulova watch at kay, the number one jewelry store in america... every kiss begins with kay. no, no, no! i am your father. i am your father. campbell's star wars soups. that's gotta be the worst vader ever. made for real, real life. ♪ cyber sales are storming in with ultra hdtv deals. ultra hd huh? i'll look good enough to eat. [ gasps ] oh no... on sale at, starting tomorrow. and coming up, the must have holiday toy that has parents stuck in a hairy situation. why bunchems have parents going crazy.
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the markets change... at t. rowe price... our disciplined approach remains. global markets may be uncertain... but you can feel confident in our investment experience around the world. call us or your advisor... t. rowe price. invest with confidence. everyone needs a bff. even your smile. colgate optic white toothpaste goes beyond surface stains to whiten over 3 shades. in fact, it whitens more
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than the leading express whitening strip. it's your smile bff. whiten more just by brushing. are available here at the grocery store. and people seem to be really excited about it. like, really excited. have a good one. new dunkin' donuts k-cup pods are here, available where you buy groceries. new dunkin' donuts k-cup pods are here, in a wand conventions,tates could there be another way? ♪ ♪ la vie est belle. ♪ la vie est belle, the eau de parfum, lancôme. now at macy's, your fragrance destination. [ playing the "star wars" theme ]
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there's been an awakening. have you felt it? >> yes. >> even you have never -- >> i don't have words for how excited i am for this. welcome back to "gma." a thanksgiving treat or a post-thanksgiving treat for "star wars" geeks everywhere. that was new footage of the new "star wars" movie, "the force awakens." it's a tv spot, a whole lot of action in there and all of the stars of the highly anticipated movie are going to be here in times square starting on monday. >> are you allowed to actually come to this studio on monday? >> i'm just going to stand in the wings and watch them. it's going to be awesome. >> i'm so intrigued. my kids are getting into it. i just want to know who the new darth vader is. >> you'll find out. all will be revealed in a few weeks. now though to our super shopping secrets holiday edition. abc's becky worley joins us
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again to tell us what to buy today and what to wait until cyber monday to snag. hey, becky. >> good morning, dan. yeah, sometimes the best price is based on where you buy. sometimes when you buy, so let's get right to our black friday buy now list. clothing, it's seriously discounted today, the gap, 50% off everything. athleta, 20% off, trina turk, 30% off, at uni qlo almost everything in the store is under $50. take a look at men's clothing. joseph banks, their house brand suits for just $129. there will be more discounting cyber monday but with clothing you got to try it on. so today is the day for that. >> huge sales on electronics yesterday. was that the day to buy or are there any deals left there? >> yeah, tv prices were slashed yesterday. they're always a hot doorbuster item, but there are plenty of good deals left today. you need a tablet, the ipad mini 2, this isn't the most current but it's still a good device, it's $199 at walmart. that's 70 bucks off.
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today's the best day for headphones, speakers. beats are on sale at radio shack over 25% off. and over a million drones are expected to sell this holiday. this is the parrot drone. it's $100 off at target. by the way, this is not the toy we're worried about getting caught in children's hair, but it could happen so i'm just going to put that down. >> i'm sure the faa is delighted about the million drones being sold. i understand you're really big on discounted gift cards. any deals there today? >> it's like free money. you should look for itunes gift cards in the 20% off range today. >> that's pretty good. >> amazon has a great gift card deal. buy a $50 card, you get a free $10 credit, and the best source, the gift card hub at ebay where the company sells directly to you. this is not buying from other ebay users, really good deals there. >> becky, thanks so much. and we want to tell everybody for more on today's sales and the inside scoop for the best deals on cyber monday, you can go to on
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yahoo! >> these were the little toys getting stuck. >> the bunchems. >> can i just stick it in your hair? his hair is like a thing of magic. i don't want to ruin it. one of the hottest toys as some parents say it's causing a bunch of problems. get it, bunch. bunchems are colorful building balls but the story we first saw in "wall street journal." when not used properly they don't just stick to each other they're getting stuck in kids' hair. >> they stick to each other and build like no other. they're -- >> all: bunchems! >> reporter: these bunches of bunchems have kids going crazy. >> the amazing new shapeable bit that sticks and stays and pulls away for endless play. >> reporter: they're essentially little building blocks to bill and create all these different shapes and even animals. >> reporter: the trendy must have toy this season had texas mom bonnie brushwood tangled in knots, literally. >> the hair came in one direction and then it came in another and then it really just
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kind of tangled together and we were lost. >> reporter: for over three hours she picked and pried over 65 colorful mini balls out of her daughter and two friends' hair. >> i thought it sounded fun and so we threw bunchems at each other. >> reporter: and there's others with bunchems conundrums. one mom writing online, have a 5-year-old who gets on your nerves? then give them this and let them play with it unsupervised. another dad on amazon posting, "i can't feel my arms now after attempting to pull this spawn from hell toy that matted itself into her hair like nothing ever witnessed before." well, bunchems maker spinmaster has warning labels on the box. the company told abc news "we recently changed the color of the warning to make it even more identifiable. we are also very careful to avoid depicting any creations in our marketing materials that show an end result that could be worn or placed on or near hair." and since receiving complaints, spinmaster posted on how to
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untangle tutorial. >> gently pull and slide the bunchems with fingers to the end. >> they are kind of therapeutic and they remind me of burs you find outside like tree burs. >> me and dan's hair. >> i did that at commercial. >> what a way to ruin my toupee. >> you don't have a toupee. >> came out eastly, though. okay, moving right along, now to an unconventional family being called the new kardashians, the keswanis first brought to our attention by our friends at "people," have fans glued to their web series, take a look. move over, kardashians, meet the new reality tv family, taking the internet by storm. the keswanis as complex as they are popular. dad anil, doctor turned hospital executive, mom, vaishali, optometrist turned family manager. big brother, nik, aka, big nik, a vine superstar with almost 3 million followers. living with a rare medical
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condition. sarina, teenage pageant princess and the baby of the family, devina, 6 years old and transgendered all-stars of "the keswanis: a most modern family." >> what we're about and what our family is about is teaching acceptance and demonstrating it. >> reporter: nik, no stranger to the limelight. battles a rare form of dwarfism that's left him partially blind and deaf never once stopping him from entertaining his millions of fans. >> i really don't care how popular i get as long as the people who are watching me enjoy them. >> reporter: devina knowing herself at a young age. >> i was born a boy, but i didn't ever felt like a boy. >> reporter: her parents learning to accept another daughter into their family. >> i saw the signs very early on and, frankly, i didn't want to see them. it got to the point where i could no longer deny her.
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>> reporter: and believing their acceptance will have a greater impact beyond their family of five. >> i truly believe that we are going to change the world by having other parents understand that accept your child. >> yes, so a pretty interesting family that i think my eyes will be glued to for sure. >> my eyes are glued to this table right now. >> because there's food, paula. there's food. >> doesn't even smell like leftovers. now to our countdown to thanksgiving the morning after. so what do you do with all those leftovers? we have some ideas to help you spice things up. we're joined by stephanie smith, the senior editor of yahoo! food, author of "300 sandwiches." please welcome, stephanie, everybody. [ applause ] and there you go. so, nobody wants to waste a turkey or ham for that matter so it's all about kicking it up a notch. what's your number one go-to bit of advice to kick it up? >> to have fun you have all that turkey and all those trimmings in your refrigerator and so many different combinations of things you can possibly make so just get creative. >> okay. >> you can have so much fun with what you make. >> all right, so what are we
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making this morning? >> first we'll do the "gma" -- >> it's called the "gma"? >> the "gma." i made it special for you guys. >> we have our own sandwich? >> you guys have your own sandwich. >> 301. >> monte cristos are ham and i did it with a thanksgiving twist. with cranberry sauce and turkey. first all you do is smooth on a little bit of cranberry sauce on to your bread, use whatever bread you like. i like to do two sides because i like it sweet. okay? >> that's what i'm talking about, a little sweet. >> yep, and then you can just put a little bit of brie. i use brie because it melts down nicely. >> do you need help? should we help you? >> yeah. >> it's sticky. >> layer that on. >> yeah. >> then i like to do -- >> she's eating. >> i'm eating. >> sara, you just needed to wait 30 seconds. that's okay. >> she can't even wait 30 seconds to eat, everybody. >> that's what usually happens at my house too. people can't wait till the food comes out of the refrigerator. >> she's pregnant. give her a free pass.
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>> exactly. exactly. >> okay, so that's assembled. we go over to the egg wash so you just combine egg and milk and cinnamon and nutmeg and just dump that in. >> then you put that in there and that's the monte cristo. >> that's the one i should have tried. >> and i like to serve it nice and hot. take it out. it's better hot. >> let's see your next one. >> exactly, exactly. >> now you take that, paula. i want to make sure she gets it. let's go to the second sandwich. >> so, the second one, that's delicious, right? >> i love it. >> it's pretty good, right? >> good pregnant food. >> this is my favorite sandwich. >> that's a lot of bread. i love it. >> this is a shooter sandwich. basically what you do is pile all of your leftovers into one sandwich and take a round loaf of bread and hollow out the inside and layer on what you like, press it down and cut it into -- >> what about the third? i don't want to miss this. >> that is the curry turkey salad.
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your turkey salad is usually mayo but i zhush it with curry. >> give it a little pop. >> use whatever bread you like. wheat, white, whatever. >> take a bite of this. go to on yahoo! for the recipe for the monte cristo plus other treats. we want to send things over to rob and stephanie. oh, my word, this is amazing. want a bite? >> sure. >> oh, yeah. how tasty is that. the holiday is not only about food, it's obviously about giving back, especially to children of families in need. for more than six decades our parent disney has supported the u.s. marine corps reserves' toys for tots with a $5,000 donation this year. joining me is gunnery sergeant benjamin ortiz. gunney, as they say, why is this important for the marines to be part of it? >> it's important because it gives us an opportunity to give back to our community and gives hope to the children that are underprivileged that don't have a toy for this christmas. so it's super important. >> well not only do you serve and protect us but you're giving back to the kids in need.
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we appreciate that. we appreciate your service, both of you sergeant s, dressed in their dress blues looking good and we've got families die nating. this is a wonderful program. here's how you can be a part of it. >> every kid deserves a little joy. a toy, it's not just a thing it's a chance to spread joy from one person to another. this holiday season be inspired. donate a new unwrapped toy to toys for tots. go to >> oh, yeah. they're excited. you guys are looking sharp. pretty warm in the new york area but in california, my goodness, it's going to get chilly. the entire west we've got frost and freeze advisories wa good friday morning, freezing cold temperatures in the east bay, the south bay, this will continue for the next couple nights and through the weekend. sunny afternoons in between. so, with the temperatures just in the low 50s, in livermore, you will certainly need the
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jacket today and 57 in oakland and 56 in san jose. cool and frosty all weekend with temperatures warming up toward monday and just a slight chance of a shower with milder and more rain chances next toys for tots, get on it. the guys have something to say. >> all: sara, back to you. >> oh. i got a little nervous. best throw ever. thank you, gentlemen. >> speaking of throwing, tom and i still have bunchems. >> keep your bunchems on your side of the couch. okay? it's the day after thanksgiving but we still got a full serving of celeb instagrams to dish up this morning. one direction's liam payne dressed to impress in the kitchen across the pond wishing their u.s. fans a happy turkey day then supermodel super chef chrissy teigen baked some fab sweet potato streusel pie. >> is she wearing clothes? >> yes, of course, she is. >> tom!
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>> but carrie underwood was not so lucky calling this dish pumpkin failure a la mode and saved it with the a la mode. meanwhile, the rock shared a video of his adorable french bulldog hobbes who doesn't seem especially thankful right now. but don't read into that face. >> that's totally not the -- >> on this thanksgiving, we got to go, buddy. let's roll. >> oh, wow. >> he's tuckered out. >> that is totally not the kind of dog i would think the rock would have. >> the rock is a mush. >> i would think the rock would have a rottweiler. >> no, i got to meet him. he's really like sensitive on the inside. perfect kind of man. i guess he did not want to smell what the rock -- i had to. >> if you're really good, you can have the rest of this. >> two more to go. i got to earn that. we've got a little music to set the mood for this next big announcement. [ playing the "peanuts" theme ] that's right, guys, monday marks the 50th anniversary of "a charlie brown christmas" and we are throwing a huge party. kristen bell will host "it's
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your 50th christmas, charlie brown." a look back at the "peanuts" classic through the years. wah-wah. isn't that how the teacher -- >> wah-wah. >> that's usually what dan and rob say we sound like. >> it is. there will be live performances of iconic songs from the series and hollywood notables are set to take a trip down memory lane reminiscing about their favorite charlie brown christmas moments. you can catch it all right here on abc monday starting at 8:00 p.m. eastern. and finally i love this, beyonce has long known the many benefits of the wind machine as most of us girls do and thankfully pets are now getting in on the action. check out these pups whipping their fur back and forth as they get a blow dry. >> sexy. >> groomer jess ron acha captures her customers in slow motion and then sets the video to music to match the pet's personality. for example, this pampered poodle enjoys a taylor swift soundtrack.
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♪ daydream look in your eyes >> now, it should go without saying that jess and her dashing dogs are a huge hit on instagram with 45,000 fans and counting. >> that's fantastic. >> isn't that adorable? >> greatest "pop news." i didn't throw one bunchem at you. >> because you love me. mariah carey talking about her new book and directorial debut and, yes, totally love you. >> good job. it's getting closer. next week "star wars" explodes on to "gma." monday "star wars" director j.j. abrams. uesday, han solo himself, harrison ford. plus, tory has the cyber monday "deals & steals" to die for in realtime on "gma."
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good morning. i'm eric thomas. developing news out of berkeley this morning. crews have a two-alarm fire at a dirkly restaurant under control. the fire broke out at 5:40 this morning at the mandarin garden restaurant and an apartment complex behind the building has been evacuated and the red no word how the fire started. how the drive is going, here's sue hall. >> pretty light, eric. black friday, as a matter of fact. look at the beautiful picture. crystal clear. golden gate at the top of your screen, past university and emeryville, powell street into the macarthur maze. the opposite side of the maze coming up from 880 to 80, the transition. an accident. tell you about that in a second.
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fortunately southbound 280 at 380 that earlier accident cleared. telling you about this one, 6:00 p.m. this evening and traffic moving nicely now. when we come back
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good friday morning. how about this wintry scene? 5 degrees in truckee. in the 20s, looking at wind. rather chilly around the bay with 30s and 40s and another
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freeze warning tonight, budget highs today in the middle range. ch ♪h ♪ i wanna freak in the morning and freak in the evening ♪ ♪ all through the night to the early morning ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> welcome back to "gma." what a great crowd we have out here on the plaza. we have another half hour ahead. pitbull is bringing us into the weekend heating up times square with a fiery performance of his brand-new single. we can't wait for that, and i promise that the guys are going to be dancing to pitbull, right? >> everything is better with pitbull. >> tom is his biggest fan. >> you notice how tom refused to answer the question whether he'd be dancing. >> don't make promises you can't keep. >> he will be dancing. >> can you do a stanky leg? >> stanky leg. the whip, the nae nae. we'll be doing it all. but we're going to start here with another pop star,
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mariah carey, the best-selling female musical artist of all time, a singer who has become synonymous with the holidays. her song "all i want for christmas is you" is a classic, and she set her words to a children's book. amy robach sat down with mariah to talk about the book, her directorial debut and the holidays in the carey home. >> welcome to "good morning america." >> thank you. >> you are one busy lady. >> i've been a little busy, yeah. >> "all i want for christmas is you" is one of the all-time best-selling songs, christmas and otherwise, 14 million copies plus sold around the world. i know you said -- >> wow, i didn't even know that. >> -- it was your dream for it to become a christmas classic. can you check that box now? >> i guess so. it's kind of amazing to me because i wrote it just out of love for christmas and like really loving christmas music, kind of like my most famous song. ♪ i don't want a lot for christmas ♪ >> and for those who want to share this love of this song
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with their children, this book, it's beautiful. i just was looking through it. >> thank you. >> why did you want to write a book? >> well, first of all, because it is the song and really it is just the lyrics to the song but the way that little kids react to the song is so amazing to me. so we made it with a little girl, she wants a puppy for christmas and just thought it would be something nice to share with my own kids, as well. >> we mentioned you have a lot of holiday projects. now, your tv movie airs, "a christmas melody." incredible. you star in it, but this was also your first time directing a movie. what was that like? >> my directorial debut. >> how do you compare being behind the camera instead of in front of the camera? >> well, it's less abusive to the feet because you don't have to wear your shoes, your high heel shoes. >> just flats. >> i put on a pair of flats. i put on like slippers. it was cool. i really loved it and because it was christmas and you know i start getting into the holiday spirit early anyways. >> what is christmas like at mariah carey's house? >> christmas is quite the affair. i have -- santa claus comes every year. he's my good friend.
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real reindeer there, as well. it's been fun through the years for the people who have shared the holidays with me. >> "gma" is celebrating its 40th anniversary here and found some footage in our vault of you in the early '90s. >> i'm very frightened. >> don't be frightened. it's quite spectacular. let's take a listen. >> oh, dear. ♪ i have a vision of love and it was all ♪ ♪ whoa oh oh oh oh oh oh that you turned out turned out to be ♪ ♪ turned out -- >> i don't want to interrupt. >> interrupt. >> it is so beautiful. do you remember that moment? >> vaguely. >> to be able to sing like that at, what, 7:00 in the morning. >> getting up early and singing is not easy and in the beginning of someone's career like that, you know, getting used to that is tough.
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>> mariah carey, thanks as always for stopping by. >> thanks so much. >> amy also asked mariah if she's working on new music, her answer, there's always something brewing. >> yes. >> kind of a tease. "all i want for christmas is you" is out now -- what's that? >> all you want for christmas is us. >> all i ever want is you guys. love my colleagues. and we should say that "a christmas melody" premieres december 19th on the hallmark channel. sara. >> well, now to our countdown to thanksgiving. yes, you heard me right. just go with it, you guys. the holiday is over. and if you're tired of eating turkey, we've got some other ideas for you this morning. i went to one of the top restaurants in the city for a cooking lesson from one of the best chefs in the world. new york city, home to some of the world's finest cuisines and one of those culinary havens is at the nomad hotel. i am headed to the nomad to get
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inside secrets on what makes their food so delicious. i already smell it. i got an exclusive invite to happening out with the duo masterminds behind "the nomad cookbook." chef daniel humm and restaurateur will guidara. >> i'll cook for you. >> i'm official now. >> reporter: i'll admit it, the kitchen, not my forte but i'll try to learn the elusive nomad recipes and surprise my foodie friend amy robach. >> amy is eating all my food. >> amy will eat it. she'll eat anything. >> reporter: with a multicourse meal. >> making a beautiful salad. >> why do you rip these? >> i think they're just a little too big. >> it was just that obvious? >> yeah. >> i thought there was something about the flavor. >> now we get to the hot dog. the sausage is wrapped in bacon and then it is fried. >> mind if i taste it? mm-mm. amy loves food. this hot dog is going to be her favorite. >> okay, here we go. we have cookies and cream. yes, put a little bit on there. cheers. >> mm-mm. why don't we ever start with
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dessert. >> this is nice, no? >> so, after cooking up a storm. amy is waiting for me and i'm not telling her i made it until the end or she won't eat it. thanks for letting me share your kitchen. mwah. >> enjoy your meal. >> bye. >> my really crazy morning. >> really nice to meet you guys. >> nice to meet you, as well. >> welcome to nomad. we have a lot of food prepared for you today, so i hope you brought your appetite. >> always, you can count on us for that. >> what makes this place so special? >> it's about our cocktails. it's about the food. we wanted to just re-create through the modern lens a sense of old-school luxury. >> all right. time to let the feast of food and cocktails begin. >> enjoy your meal. >> this chicken is like crazy. >> oh, it's so good. full confession right now, amy. i actually helped cook all this. >> that's incredible. >> i know. >> you actually did a really good job. >> i do want to give you a gift so you can cook for me next time. >> "the nomad cookbook."
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you know what this looks like, a bible. >> this is my favorite part. the secret passage, cocktail book. >> that's nice. it's a bible within a bible. so this is how i can cook like you? >> in a few weeks i'll be coming to your house and expect a spread like this. >> just keep waiting for that invitation. but do not hold your breath, i warn you. >> for "good morning america," sara haines, abc news, new york. >> and i just want it put out i know my friend amy robach. she did say -- she was nice on camera -- but if she had known that i cooked it she may have been a little more tentative with her trying. >> who could blame her. >> tom and i were talking. we've both been to that restaurant, it's delicious. >> the chicken, people. >> hard to get a reservation. >> when you come in with amy robach, you get a reservation. and "the nomad cookbook" is available now so, rob, i hope you have food or something good. >> i have 30 seconds so stay away from the cocktail cookbook. this is an often neglected
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corner so somebody flew 100 1100 miles from orlando. we have friends in orlando. no doubt about that. pretty warm down there right now but the rain is in texas and just to the west of texas and oklahoma city cold enough for that to be ice so big problems there and also with the amount of rain we'll see over the next 48 hours locally up and over 8 inches and that's >> good friday morning. a little wind in san francisco and the north bay keeping temperatures in the 40s. freezing elsewhere. in the east bay and in the south bay. everyone in the mid-to-upper 50s. milder next >> all right! great crowd out here. nobody has got the post-thanksgiving day like we do. no doubt about that. we are into the holiday season. >> rob, thanks so much. >> we want to talk about rooney mara generating so much oscar buzz once again. you remember her from "the girl
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with the dragon tattoo," she was so fierce in that role now sharing the scene with cate blanchett in "carol" and nick watt sat down with her. >> reporter: certain films just smell like oscar contenders. "carol" is one of them. do you enjoy that speculation or -- >> i try and like turn that station off. >> and your first name? >> therese. >> therese, not theresa. >> reporter: it's a 1950s love story that really takes you back. >> we shot the film in cincinnati for new york which i thought was a crazy idea at first. >> reporter: it turned out to be a master stroke from director todd haines. new york can't look like this anymore. >> that did feel like we were stepping back in time. you know, with the cars and the props and the costumes. >> and the smoking. >> and the smoking. >> all the smoking. >> yeah, todd was very generous in sort of sharing his homework with all of us. you know, he made us all these mixed cds of music from the time and gave us films to watch and made this beautiful book of visual references for what he wanted the film to look like. >> where did you learn so much
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about train sets? >> oh, i read, too much probably. >> reporter: cate blanchett is carol a gay woman forced by society's conventions to live a lie. is this a political movie? >> i don't think it is a political movie. maybe people will get things like that from it, and that's great but really at its core is a love story and in that sense, anyone can relate to it. >> reporter: carol falls in love with rooney mara's shop girl, therese. >> i like the hat. how hard is it to pretend to fall in love with cate blanchett? >> it's very easy. i mean, cate is as magnetic in film as she is in real life. there's no one like her. >> reporter: nick watt, abc news, los angeles. >> we thank you for that report. "carol" is in theaters right now. coming up, one of the biggest blockbusters of the year, two of the stars from "the hunger games" coming up. ♪ "gma's" countdown to thanksgiving brought to you by walmart. share wonder every day.
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throget three free giftskend with selected mattress sets! save up to $300 on beautyrest, posturepedic, even tempur-pedic! plus get up to four years interest-free financing! sleep train's thanksgifting sale ends sunday.
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i'm ginger breadington with your 10 day deal forecast. every day for ten days, expect new deals with historic low prices across target and hey! ginger! yes, ken? great forecast! are coffee makers on sale? yes! yes they will be... ginger! what about cameras? oh yeah, yeah. cameras-- ginger! how about christmas lights? yeah! lights, cameras, it's all in on the action. [ laughs ] see what i did there? ♪
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how did something so joyful as a daughter finally finding the mother she never knew, even introducing her to her granddaughters lead to a scandal? was she stolen at birth? tonight -- >> babies were being sold out of the parking lot. cash on delivery. >> the mothers who say their babies were taken. >> they just took my baby and i want my baby back. >> the mystery, the controversy and the american hospital at the center of it all. an explosive all new "20/20" tonight at 10:00, 9:00 central on abc. welcome back, everybody. "the hunger games" is burning up the box office. you guys want to go see it a little later? the final installment of the blockbuster series was number one and amy robach sat down with two of the stores. >> we're here with "the hunger games: mockingjay part 2" stars jena malone and mahershala ali. jena plays johanna, and
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mahershala plays boggs, one of the few people katniss can trust as she tries to take down the capital. so, what does it feel like now that the final, the epic of this movie is over? how does it feel to have it out? >> a bittersweet thing because you get to travel so much and form a friendship which is like a family on the set but really you sign up to the films because of the books, you know, and the last book is so epic, that to really have, you know -- i mean, i just love the ending so much that i feel like i've just been like sitting on my hands waiting for it to come out. >> and as much as it is bittersweet, i think i definitely appreciate the closure getting to start something and see it coming to an end and being able to kind of encapsulate that experience and walk away. >> tell me about boggs and katniss. their relationship really evolves. >> i think boggs has grown to really respect katniss, and he sees her put herself out on the line like several times, and so i think he becomes distrustful of coin, and he begins to really trust katniss and really be a
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really great ally for her. >> and johanna, she's a feisty chick, isn't she? >> she is, but she's still -- it's funny like pretty much all my stuff is with katniss this time. i like they both speak their minds to each other and they're oddly each other's confidantes to have a woman like johanna mason who has had everything stripped from her, her hair, strengths, family, clothes and katniss can see herself in her. >> i tease you because i said you'll always be remy to me, "house of cards" we're all just so awaiting season 4. want to give us any sneak peek about what we can look forward to to those of us counting the days? >> from what i hear it's really strong season. yeah, i've -- yes, i'll put it like that. >> when have you ever gotten a tidbit from an actor this way? we can't talk about it. >> i'm reading your face. i'm reading your face. i saw -- >> i hear it's a great season like i really -- that's what i've heard.
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>> and, jena, there's a lot of speculation about an upcoming role you have, "batman versus superman" alongside ben affleck. you don't want to tell me anything either? >> we can talk about bagels, we can talk about like a lot of things, it's just -- >> "the hunger games: mockingjay part 2" is in theaters now. >> and just a reminder, because if you didn't hear amy just say it, it is in theaters now and we are going to go see it together, right? >> well, the four of us are going to go. sara will baby-sit our children. >> no. i'm pregnant. >> no baby-sitting needed when pitbull joins us with an incredible performance of his new single. ♪
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♪ it's always a party when our friend pitbull stops -- sorry. help me speak. >> do you want me to take it? >> mr. worldwide was just here for our 40th anniversary the other day. he's got a new album coming out, and here he is with his latest
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single, "free.k." ♪ mr. worldwide to infinity you know the roof on fire we gon' boogie oogie oggi jiggle wiggle and dance like the roof on fire ♪ ♪ we gon' drink drinks and take shots until we fall out like the roof on fire ♪ ♪ now baby give a booty naked take off all your clothes and light the roof on fire ♪ ♪ baby baby baby baby baby i'm on fire ♪ ♪ i say baby baby baby baby i'm a fireball i'm a fireball ♪ >> yes. ♪ >> let's go. ♪ baby, baby, baby, baby i'm a fireball i tell her baby, baby, baby, baby ♪ ♪ i'm a fireball ♪ i wanna freak in the morning and freak in the evening just like me ♪ ♪ i need a roughneck brother that can satisfy me just for me ♪ ♪ if you are that kind of man 'cause i'm that kind of girl ♪ >> how many freaks in the club.
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get loose now. ♪ i gotta freaky secret everybody sing 'cause we don't give a damn about a thing ♪ ♪ get loose now ♪ 'cause i will be a freak until the night until the dawn we have off for the night till the early morning ♪ ♪ you wanna know i'll take you around the hood do the gangsta lean cause we can any time of day it's all good for me ♪ ♪ do you wanna get at on the weekend do a little freakin' ♪ ♪ go ahead and be the freak girl ♪ ♪ nurse by day but at night she's my type whew go ahead and be a freak girl ♪ ♪ teachers let your hair down take your glasses off teach go ahead and be a freak girl ♪ ♪ all my polish women that like it rough in the handcuffs whoop whoop let's freak girl ♪ ♪ my exotic dancers that ain't with romance go ahead and be a freak girl ♪ ♪ all my business women that just cut a big deal yeah go ahead and be a freak girl ♪ ♪ all my real estate girls with their button down breasts out take it to the house you a freak girl ♪ ♪ now freak with me go ahead and be free baby freakaleak whoa ♪ ♪ i wanna freak in the morning and freak in the evening just like me ♪ ♪ i need a roughneck brother that can satisfy me just for me ♪ ♪ if you are that kind of man 'cause i'm that kind of girl i gotta freaky secret everybody sing ♪ ♪ 'cause we don't give a damn
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about a thing ♪ ♪ 'cause i will be a freak until the night until the dawn we have off for the night till the early morning ♪ ♪ you wanna know i'll take you around the hood do the gangsta lean ♪ ♪ 'cause we can any time of day it's all good for me ♪ >> "gma," let's go. ♪ working hard yeah picture that for the kodak or better yet go to times square take a picture of me with a kodak ♪ ♪ took my life from negative to positive i just want y'all know that ♪ ♪ and tonight let's enjoy life pitbull, nayer, ne-yo that's right ♪ ♪ tonight i want all of you tonight give me everything tonight ♪ ♪ give it to me ♪ for all we know we might not get tomorrow let's do it
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tonight break it down ♪ ♪ break it down ♪ you can turn your life from a negative into a positive let's tell them ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ grab somebody saying say hey give me everything tonight give me everything tonight give me everything tonight ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> "gma's" fall concert series is presented by carmax, the bright side of car buying. my name is 127 willow lane. and i've had some work done. in '62 they put in a conversation pit. brilliant. in '74 they got shag carpet. that poor dog. rico?! then they expanded my backside.
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ugh. so when the nest learning thermostat showed up, i thought "hmmm." but nest is different. keeps 'em comfy. and saves energy automatically. like that! i'm like a whole new house! nest. welcome to the magic of home.
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♪ (vo) some call it giving back. we call it share the love. during our share the love event, get a new subaru, and we'll donate $250 to those in need. bringing our total donations to over sixty-five million dollars. and bringing love where it's needed most. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. that's a fact. but this whole "blondes have more fun" thing... ♪ standing by for fun.
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♪ ♪ ♪ spend less time chasing sales and more time making room at the table. find thoughtful gifts at amazing prices everyday at t.j.maxx, marshalls and homegoods. it's time to share the warmth with families and children in need. >> let's do it, guys. >> oh, wow. >> do you have a coat to donate? >> thank you. >> our theme is kids helping kids. >> keeping warm. >> donating coats. >> go to any burlington tore to donate a coat and join our annual coat drive. >> a couple pieces of business before we leave you. first of all, i want to thank you for putting up with the weekend crew on a friday. it was a pleasure for all of us. second of all, on monday we'll start having the stars of the new "star wars" movie and it's going to be awesome. third i want to say i got some bunchems, i'm going to put them in sara's hair. >> i'm going to put them in rob's hair. >> we'll be here all weekend. we'll see you tomorrow morning. bye, guys. tomorrow morning.
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bye, guys.
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e a bow and arrow ♪ ♪ a broken guitar ♪ while the rainwater washes away ♪ ♪ who you are ♪ we go over the mountains ♪ and under the stars ♪ we go over the mountains ♪ and under the stars [♪]
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good morning. i'm eric thomas. in concord, investigators are trying to determine the cause of a huge fire at an office furniture store. the flames engulfed sam clar furniture last night forcing fire fightsofighters to battle outside. nobody hurt. meteorologist lisa argen has the forecast. >> eric, still really cold in the south bay, also the east bay. numbers up in san francisco, but winds are making it feel even cooler out there. so tons of sun for you with temperatures climbing through the 40s and 50s in the next couple hours. for highs in the narrow range from the mid-50s, maybe rain next week. sue? >> good morning. a light black friday but a beautiful morning. look at the fall shot and the conditions, traffic light through walnut creek southbound 680 to the dublin pasanton
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interchange. san rafael as well. nice slow traffic as you're watching espn on abc. you got the whole world in your hand. take care of the rock. do your job. do your job. this is going to be a fight. but we are fighters. we are warriors. the thing that separates us in this game is each other. >> dave: and welcome to espn college football on abc presented by


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